Never accepting mediocrity ~ Questioning the status quo
Improving my corner of the universe one day at a time.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Unto us a Child is Born!
Isaiah 9:6
This is one of my favorite scriptures, especially at this time of year when I can get away with singing it. ☺
In my book, the Christmas season begins as soon as Thanksgiving is over...never before, but immediately afterwards. So it's Christmas time here, and this blog is celebrating! I'm hoping to have daily posts with reminders of the real Reason we celebrate this season. ☺
Friday, November 28, 2008
Frugal Friday: Save the Bones!
Over the holidays many families cook large meals, often with a big meat dish as the focal point. Meat is expensive, and it goes fast, but when the meat is gone, hold onto the bones! Bones are full of nutrients, and can provide several more meals if you know what to do with them. At our house, bones never end up in the garbage can!

The best part of the bird, really!
My cooking blog has (or will have) more detailed recipes for bone broth, but here's a short overview:
- Bones (in the marrow) have lots of vitamins in them. The best way to get those nutrients out is to leech it out into broth. You know how you always heard that chicken soup was good when you're sick? Well, if it's made with real bone broth, it actually does have immuno-boosting properties! If you add 1 Tbs or so of vinegar to the water, it helps to get the nutrients out of the bone and into the broth.
- Adding onion, celery, garlic, or other herbs can make for a richer broth, but they are optional.
- Putting fat and skin in the broth will make it nice and fatty, and it does taste good, but those parts of the animal (especially poultry) tend to hold toxins, so many people prefer to avoid having them in the broth.
- Putting meat in the broth will not add to flavor, and it will suck the flavor out of the strip off the meat, then make the broth with just the bones. After the broth is done, strain it, and then if you want to make soup go ahead and put the meat back in at the end.
- Feel free to use bones that have been nibbled...after all, 12 hours of boiling will destroy any germs...
- If you don't have enough bones to make a broth yet, just save them in the freezer until you do have enough.
- Once made, bone broth can be canned in a pressure cooker and kept in the pantry, or it can be refrigerated or frozen. My mom puts it in a jar in the fridge to cool, then freezes it in ice cube trays. Once it's frozen into cubes, she stores it in a big ziplock bag in the freezer. Anytime she has a recipe that calls for broth, she can easily grab a cube or two or five and toss them in!
- Oh yeah, real bone broth tastes better than that canned stuff or *gag*choke* MSG-laden bullion. Use it for soups, sauces, graveys, or even cooking rice.
Chicken and Turkey Put the bones in a crockpot, cover them with water, and let them simmer at least overnight (they can stay as long as 2 days if you don't get to them sooner) . If you don't have a crockpot, you can let them simmer on the stove for at least 4-5 hours (ideally 8-12). At this point the bones will be bending, breaking, and literally falling apart. This is good--it means you've gotten all the nutrients out of them! Strain out all the solids, and voila, the best broth you've ever had.
Beef Same as chicken, just stick the bones in a crockpot or stockpot, and let them simmer for hours...
Ham Take that hambone and stick it in the pot along with any bits of leftover ham, plenty of water, and lots of beans. My mom always used pinto beans, my mother in law uses white 'navy' beans. You can pretty much use whatever you like. Add some onion, garlic, celery, or whatever else strikes your fancy. Let it simmer all day...
Pork (ribs etc) Honestly, we give these ones to the dog. She loves them. I have never tried making stock with them, and I don't know how well it would work. On the other hand, we don't eat pork that often.

Mmmm, nothin like real broth!
(I wish you could smell this picture!)
Go hug your kids
So go hug your kids. You don't really have them for very long.
(Love you Amy.)
Thursday, November 27, 2008
A Year's Worth of Gratitude
Here it is, 365 things to be thankful for, one for each day of the year. I realize it's a long list and you probably won't read every single item, but writing them all out sure was good for me! They are sorted into categories, but are in no particular order within those categories--nor are the categories in any particular order... (And if you did a list too, scroll to the bottom to link up! Be sure to put the link directly to your post, not just to your blog homepage.)
Incidentally, for a little more inspiration, visit this post on Cultivating Gratitude--it's awesome! (She's working on a list of 1000 things!)
Also check over at Internet Cafe Devotions for more thankfulness lists (it's this week's entry in the Christmas series...)
- eternal families
- my husband
- being married
- being a mother
- Big Wolf
- Little Bear
- adoption
- my mother, who taught me how to raise children, keep a home, and ask questions about everything
- my dad, who taught me to get out and do things, and to believe in myself
- my sister K, my roommate/best enemy/friend for the last 25 years
- my brother B, who is basically me, as a guy
- my brother J, who is happy
- my sister A, forever a baby, and a reminder to cherish the little moments
- my brother C, the first baby who loved me
- my sister L, the one who is truly like me
- my sister N, who is willing to try anything
- my brother D, who is only 7, and younger than my own son
- My doggie, Koira, because yeah, she's part of my family.
- being part of a big family (and not just because it filled so many slots on this list!)
- grandma M for years of glorious pies and jam, and the worlds best recipe for homemade rolls (the food network has got nothin on grandma!)
- grandpa M for exciting nights of listening to him on his ham radio
- grandma B for remarkable homemade ice cream
- grandpa B for his weird stories and dry sense of humor (which I've inherited)
- being able to know all four of my grandparents
- having gotten to meet five of my great-grandparents
- my son got to meet the last of my great-grandparents (so his great-great-grandfather)
- I was able to be baptized for my great-grandma Betty after she died
- being raised with traditions from my Germanic and Scandinavian heritage
- great great great grandpa William Morley Black's journal (it is such an inspiration--the link goes to a short excerpt)
- my cousin K who has been my pen-pal (more or less) for 20 years
- my cousin T, who has been my pen-pal too, but not for as long
- my aunt C, who taught me how to french braid my hair when I was 8
- great accepting and generous parents in-law (even though I think I freak them out from time to time)
- for my sister-in-law S after my first miscarriage
- for my sister-in-law L after my second miscarriage
- my brother-in-law T who is a registered socialist. I just have so much respect for him actually making that official. ☺
- JH, my adopted grandma, for interesting conversations, late nights on the lakeshore, and a really awesome Challah recipe
- TC who taught me a whole lot about knitting, and became my friend when I needed one (and whom I miss terribly)
- LA who taught me to spin
- AM (now AA) who was my one friend in the theatre department who had morals and a work ethic like mine (the one I always tried to do group projects with)
- KG who first got me to question my parenting habits
- SF who has always been inspiring to me in natural parenting
- CS who taught me how to wear my sling
- CC who taught me about babywearing with something besides a sling
- JZ for great conversations and someone to be accountable to for morning walks after Bear was born
- Heather, who taught my BFW class and helped me prepare for a wonderful birth
- AT who keeps me thinking
- MC, my friend since high school
- CF, with whom I carpooled in college, and with whom I had dozens of delightful conversations
- AH, one college roommate I'm still in regular contact with
- BA, the college roommate who was nothing like me, challenged almost everything I thought I knew about life, and was awesome in every way
- NH, the college roommate who taught me to be more genuine
- Paulette, who taught me the intricacies of theatrical costuming and makeup
- Dr Laila Abdalla, my college English professor of Shakespeare and early British Lit, a short Egyptian-Canadian woman with big hair and an attitude the size of Alaska
- Doug Johnson, my college writing professor "the grammar nazi" who taught me 3/4 of what I know about writing
- SK, who taught me to make authentic East Indian food
- KK, who taught me how to decorate cakes, do a rope braid, and a loose bun
- KS, who taught me to sing
- TB, who taught me to perform music
- all the boys I've loved before
- all the people in my mommy's group in Utah Valley
- all the ladies in the knitting circle here in Pelican--they probably have no idea how much I look forward to those nights
- all the people in my mommy's group in Utah Valley
- My online friends (via forums or blogs) who've shown up and become my friends/readers at a time when I needed to feel noticed or loved (I didn't put whole names just in case I forgot somebody...☺): B
- B
- C
- E
- H
- E
- T
- S
- J
- J
- A
- N
- M
FAITH (25)
- Father in Heaven
- my Savior
- the gift of having the Holy Spirit as a constant companion
- agency (the right to make my own choices)
- the temple
- eternal covenants
- vicarious ordinances
- having my own temple recommend
- priesthood
- priesthood blessings
- scripture
- hymns
- tithing (I couldn't afford to not pay tithing!)
- a living prophet
- living apostles
- General Conference
- prayer
- personal revelation
- my testimony
- baptism
- the Atonement
- repentance
- grace (for by grace we are saved, after all we can do...)
- missionaries
- understanding the plan of salvation

- that my not-yet-2-year-old likes to pee in the potty
- that he does #1 quite often
- seeing my children play together
- hearing my children sing
- watching my child sleep
- seeing their faces when they see something I have made for them
- helping my children pray
- hearing the things my children say when they pray on their own
- pregnancy
- feeling a baby move inside me
- co-sleeping
- breastfeeding
- being able to nurse from either side without rolling over (oh yes, the perks of being well-endowed!)
- babywearing
- cloth diapers
- wool longies
- my wraps
- my slings
- my pouch
- my 'buckle-tai' structured carrier
- Roses
- Lilacs
- snapdragons
- baby's breath (flower)
- fields of pink heather
- sweet william (aka dianthus)
- phlox
- moss
- thyme
- doggies
- wolves
- bears
- eagles
- penguins
- dolphins
- seals
- the tide
- mountains
- sunshine
- snow
- the full moon
- moonlight on snow
- The Dark Crystal (my first favorite movie)
- Life is Beautiful (my most favorite movie)
- Swing Time (my favorite dancing movie, with the best dance I've ever seen on film)
- "Be Still My Soul" (my hymn of comfort)
- Pachelbel's "Canon in D"
- Rachmaninoff's "18th variation on a theme by Paganini"
- Rich Mullens' "Awesome God"
- Carol of the Bells, What Child is This, Oh Holy Night, and all the other Christmas songs I love (which you'll get to hear about all month, starting tomorrow!)
- Point of Grace Christmas album
- Celtic Women album (I love the whole thing, which is rare)
- Michael W Smith (one of my favorite musicians)
- Stephen Curtis Chapman (another favorite)
- Janice Kapp Perry (a prolific songwriter)
HOME (17)
- kneading bread dough
- warm homemade bread
- living in a place where I can see Bald Eagles every day
- hot showers
- bubble baths
- jetted tubs
- flannel sheets that are never cold!
- my cast iron skillets
- all my pyrex dishes...I so hate plastic
- blender (smoothies!!!)
- electric mixer
- my crockpot
- electricity
- the Lay-z-boy recliner
- hot cocoa on a cold day
- Christmas music
- living in a free country
- the city of London
- Westminster Abby
- The tower of London
- The Globe Theatre (even though it's a remake)
- The top of Saint Paul's Cathedral
- Canterbury & the cathedral
- Rome
- St Peter's Bascilica
- The Sistine Chapel
- Asissi (birthplace of St Francis)
- Pompeii
- Delphi
- Rhodes
- Mars Hill (Athens)
- Ephesus (yes, that's in Turkey)
- Hawaii--NaPali coast
- USS Arizona Monument
- Punchbowl Cemetery (Honolulu)
- The Sacred Grove
- Hill Cumorah (I rolled down the front with my siblings)
- Bryce Canyon
- The Blue Mountains
- Washington DC
- SouthEast Alaska
- Sunrise viewpoint (Mt Rainier National Park)
- Tongue Point, WA (the coolest tidepools ever)
- Plimoth Plantation (living history of the pilgrims at Plymouth)
- that my husband has good job-security (they don't fire teachers!
- that my husband has a regular paycheck (even if it's not real big)
- that I'm able to stay home, and that hubby is supportive of that
- knowing how to sew
- knowing how to sew well enough to make money at it
- knowing how to knit
- knowing how to do stranded knitting (which is SO fun)
- being almost done with my first knitted sweater!
- knit picks options circular needles (they are SO cool)
- knit picks and their yarn prices
- free knitting patterns online
- lots of free knitting patterns at my library
- being able to use my talents to make gifts for the people I love
- being able to use my talents to bless those I don't even know
- learning how to spin
- having a talent with doing hair
- finger dexterity
- knowing how to cook (which is an art)
- knowing how to bake (which is a science)
- my eyes
- my ears
- that my mother made me learn hymns (so now I can sing them without needing the hymnal)
- being able to read music
- being able to sing well
- having a college degree
- having a college education (all the stuff that happens outside of class!)
- that the first 2 years of my college were free, and the rest were cheap (because of scholarships and grants)
- having given birth
- dancing--both jazz and ballroom
- my long hair (what can I say, I love it!)
- my curves
- my wedding ring
- my mother's ring
- writing
- my blog (I find it so cathartic)
- everyone who has ever commented on my blog
- having renters we can trust (since they are 2000 miles away)
- my etsy shops
- that my husband is supportive of me running my shops
- Mothering street team, who first showed me how great a team can be
- Cloth Diapering street team, who have become my friends
- EtsyBloggers street team, who have gotten me lots of traffic
- friendly people in the 'critiques' forum who always give helpful advice
- etsy live chat, because it's made me more than a few sales
- the US postal service
- everyone who has ever purchased from me
- everyone who has ever recommended me/my shops to someone else
- everyone who has ever made a good trade with me
- everyone who has ever made a deal for me
- all those lots of people who just make darn good handmade stuff!
- having two well-stocked shops right now
- having sisters who help me with mailing things (since I'm rural, I left a lot of my stock with my sister and she mails it from down there in the lower 48).
- specific people who have been especially encouraging or helpful to me on etsy: laminathegreat, who told me about etsy in the first place
- unioncenterknits, who helped me raise my prices to something more fair to myself
- weeones, who made me the cutest custom stitch markers ever
- bundlesofjoy, from whom I made my first etsy purchase, partner in multiple subsequent trades, and now a dear friend
- deebleddo, for giving me a whopper of a deal on a very special embroidery project (can't tell what it is yet, it's a gift!)
- georganne, for being just plain inspiring
- alisaterry, who makes awesome stuff and traded with me for a whole bunch of it
- curiousworkmanship for her gifts, help, and a massive custom order at a time when I really needed the money

- pasta alfredo
- apples
- applesauce
- chocolate bavarian pie
- dutch apple pie
- Marie Callander's sour cream blueberry pie
- harvest (pinto) bean pie (yes, I like it more than pumpkin)
- cinnamon rolls
- cream cheese frosting
- Ben & Jerry's "Half Baked" (chocolate chip cookie dough meets fudge brownie)
- vanilla soft serve
- frozen yogurt
- frozen custard
- butter
- whipping cream (the real stuff of course!)
- blueberries
- strawberries
- peaches
- plums
- root beer
- homemade ice cream
- homemade smoothies
- onions
- cardamom bread
- swiss chocolate
- italian ice cream
- italian cream sodas
- brownies
- chicken (it's my favorite meat)
- Indian food
- Chinese food
- halibut parmisan
- lemonade--actually i prefer the fake stuff. go figure!
- people who cook for me
- people who share nummy recipes with me
- indoor plumbing
- hot running water
- my sewing machine
- my serger
- long-distance phone service
- satellite broadcasts (for things like General Conference...and Iron Chef ☺)
- internet
- Instant messaging
- (cuz it worked for me! ♥)
- NaturalLDSLiving forums
- MotheringDotCom forums
- LongHairCommunity forums
- blogs in general (since I already mentioned mine in specific)
- scheduled blog posting!
- Mozilla Firefox
- Firefox's username/password rememberer (oh how I love that feature!)
- word processors (because really, editing before printing and spellchecker are AWESOME you know?!)
- digital cameras
- my laptop
- rechargeable batteries
- electric stove (I'm not a fan of cooking over a fire!)
- dishwashers!!!!! (I'm so sick of handwashing--it's not too bad in college, but for a whole family it's a real drag)
- reliable mail service
- pockets
- pillows
- combs
- hugs
- cuddles
- the way a new baby smells
- the softness of baby's skin
- baby kisses
- baby fingers and toes
- kids with dimples
- smiling
- straight teeth
- nail clippers
- the smell of freshly cut grass
- knowing how to type
- beanbags
- dangly earrings
- licking the beaters
- hot cocoa on a cold night
- sitting in front of the fireplace with a big blankey
- snow angels
- wristwatches
- wristwatches that light up
- German cuckoo clocks
- soft wool sweaters
- a clean kitchen sink!
- the color pink
- wool socks
- claw clips for my hair
- learning how to make these ☺♥☻♠○♣
- watching movies or seasons of TV shows (on DVD) with my Hubby
- when my hair makes ringlets (which it does occasionally)
- the smell of henna in my hair
- stairs (hey, they're good for me!)
- a good set of kitchen knives
- fuzzy slippers
- fleece
- lambswool
- alpaca yarn
- bamboo velour
- the feel of seal fur (it's the softest thing I've ever touched!)
- fabric gift bags (I ♥ them in the biggest way!!)
- automatic bullets/numbers in blog posts!
- being done with this list (it wasn't easy, and I confess to getting a bit stressed over it!)
(I hear that Mr Linkys have been having issues lately, so if it's not working for you, please leave your link in the comments!)
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
WFMW--Christmas shopping on etsy

In other words, on the day after Thanksgiving, when half the population of the USA gets up in the wee hours of the morning to go stand in three-hour-long lines to wait for one of only 137 wii consoles which are on sale for a mere $245...or who gather with friends, trade lists, and then spend 11 hours covering stores from one end to the other to spend hundreds of dollars (in the interest of saving dozens)....yeah, I sleep in.
And when I do get up, I stay serenely at home, buying nothing.
BUT, if you are one of those people who likes to buy things on Black Friday (and apparently it now carries through the whole weekend and includes "Cyber Monday"--this was news to me!), well, I have a recommendation: Etsy. I don't just say this because I'm a hardcore etsy fan, although I am. I don't just say it because I sell on etsy and I'd really like to make some sales this weekend, although I do and I would. No, I say it because shopping online is economical (no gas money!), lower stress (no lines and no crowds), and frankly, most of the stuff at walmart is cheap junk and most of the stuff on etsy is good. Also, literally hundreds of sellers on etsy are offering massive sales this weekend. Here is a link to one that I'm involved with (huge long list, sorted by category of shop contents), the EtsyFest icon at the top will take you to another (over 200 sellers, organized by category), and here is a third (click the icon):

You can see other Works for Me Wednesdays here!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Growing Up
The thing about attachment parenting is this: it needs to be working for both child and parent. Obviously I support breastfeeding, but if mom is unable to get two consecutive hours of sleep because the toddler keeps waking to nurse, well, nightweaning is a valid option. If mom likes the idea of co-sleeping, but is on medication and can't safely share the bed with an infant, then alternatives should be considered.
Last night had been a long time coming. For the last few months I've been working on getting Bear to go to bed at a regular time, and also trying to help him transition into a crib in our room. He's big, and we have a little bed. I snuggle and nurse with him in our bed, then once he's asleep i put him in his crib. I get him when he wakes, and sometimes nurse him then replace him in his bed, or sometimes he just ends up back in our bed again. He's never made it a full night in his crib, but he's done more than half on a couple of occasions. (I also want to night-wean him because I'm hoping to be pregnant again soon (now that I'm finally fertile again!) and extreme breast tenderness has always been my earliest sign of pregnancy.)
In spite of my efforts to make bedtime a peaceful quiet time with cuddles and lullabyes, Bear often uses it as an opportunity to play...he'll say "uder side" as he climbs over me, asking me to roll over and nurse him on the other side. Two minutes later it's "uder side" again, with more climbing... when this starts happening I know that his tummy is pretty full, and that he doesn't really want to nurse anymore...but he's too tired to know what he wants. He will keep this up for an hour if I let him. Well, last night after about 40 min of cuddles and nursing (20 of it with him goofing off), I had sore nipples and was going nuts. So I finally just put him in the crib with his stuffed tigger and his blankey, said "night night" and I went out.
He called for me of course, and I came back in, hugged him, explained that it was time to lay down and sleep, and left again. There is a nightlight near his crib, and the ambient light of the hallway comes in, so it's dim but not totally dark in there. I could tell that he was upset with me, but he was not scared. He called out to me a couple of times "hug!" and I came and gave him a hug--then set him back in the crib. Once he asked for "nurn" so I offered him a breast (but left him standing in the crib), and he turned it down flat. Clearly it wasn't the nurn he really wanted, and I knew that, but I still offered it because he asked. Once he started calling "mom! what doin?" and I called back that I was getting ready for bed and that he needed to lay down and go to sleep. Several times I snuck a peek at him (where he couldn't see me) and I heard him talking quietly to himself "way down, way down, way down..." [lay down] or "seep, seep, seep, seep" [sleep]. He complained a little, but never worked himself into a crying fit. He talked a bit and called out to me--and I responded to him, but always put him back in the crib.
He fell asleep in about 15 minutes. When I went to check on him, he was laying peacefully in his crib, snuggled under his little blanket, and with tigger laying on his tummy.
We'll be doing this again--cuddle and nurse, then into the crib to go to sleep. It's a major step towards his learning to sleep through the night (going to sleep without the breast!) He is almost 2, and that's certainly old enough to night wean and sleep through the night...I'd like a couple of months of real sleep before the next one comes!
Yes, Bear cried a little bit. But here's the thing: I believe that he didn't really "cry it out." He was never scared, he was never abandoned. He knew I was close, and I heeded his calls. He was upset with me for putting him in the crib rather than playing with him (or, rather, allowing him to play with me), but that is a very different thing from But at some point every child has to learn to go to sleep on their own. Someday I will need to be able to go to a meeting without having to take Bear (and keep him up late). Someday he has to learn to go to sleep for daddy or grandma or a babysitter. Leaving an infant alone is one thing, but Bear isn't an infant anymore, he's a toddler, and he knows he's not alone. It's just that at bedtime, mommy and the nurn have become a distraction rather than a help, so it's time to take them out of the room for a while.
Here's an interesting observation--Bear woke up around 1am (as he always does) and wimpered a little. I decided to remain silent for a minute and see if he would drop back off to sleep... He continued to wimper though, so I spoke to him, and immediately his light wimper turned into a full out cry and "mamamamamaaa." I think if I had left him longer he might have managed on his own...tonight I'll wait longer and see what happens.
I try to parent in a Christlike if I'm not sure how to handle something, I try to think of what Christ would do. I do not believe that Christ would ever leave a (spiritual) infant alone in the world. However, as we get older and stronger, with increased understanding, He does stand further off to the side to allow us to do things on our own...
Sunday, November 23, 2008
How We Met--really!
So I've told a few stories about how we didn't meet...I thought maybe I'd finally share how we DID meet.
I was in my final quarter of school at Central Washington University. Most of my friends had graduated the previous spring, but not all my classes were available every term, so I had to hang around one more quarter to get them done. My roommate went home every weekend, leaving on Friday around lunchtime and returning Sunday I had long and lonely weekends. I mostly spent them online, surfing around and wasting time. One night, in a fit of boredom, I decided to check out It was not a free service, but they had a short free trial, so I signed up for that.
Hubby was a young single father, living in Utah, who didn't go to many social events because he wanted to be with his son. His dad (who is somewhat of a technophobe actually) had encouraged him to join LDSsingles as a way to meet people while still being home with little Wolf. Over the course of a year or so, Hubby met and went on dates with a lot of women in his area, but nothing was going anywhere. One night, seeing that he had met everyone on the site who lived within 100 miles of him, he decided to extend the search parameters to 1000 miles...and found me the same weekend I joined.
When I saw that I had a message (and no, he wasn't the only one), I went and looked at his profile. I confess that my initial thought was "it's a divorced guy with a kid, that's not what I'm looking for..." but he'd said hi so I figured the polite thing to do was respond. (For what it's worth, by the end of that weekend I'd had messages from some real freaks, and stopped responding to most of if Hubby had waited one more week he might not have found me, or I might not have responded...) Truly we were a match made by God. Coincidence could never have pulled it off!
We chatted online periodically, and even on the phone a couple of times, but we were over 800 miles apart, I was starting my student teaching, and we both started dating other people...
Skip forward about 7 or 8 months, and one night in April we found ourselves chatting online asking each other for dating advice about our current relationships which were falling apart. Really! Within a couple of weeks I had the distinct feeling that this was the man I was going to marry. (Hubby says that he knew from the very beginning that if I ever agreed to marry him he'd be a very lucky man. ♥ ) Anyway, in late May I went to the temple and prayed about him, and had the distinct feeling that he should come visit, and that when he did I would know for sure one way or the other.
On June 20 he flew up for the weekend...
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Another WIP
You may remember how I took up spinning this fall? Well, along with spinning yarn, I've been knitting it up. :)

"Chocolate blueberries" in the batt (hand-painted by my friend Lamina)
and spun up...
knitting it together with plain vanilla (which I also spun)
Friday, November 21, 2008
Frugal Friday--Laundry

- Hang clothes to dry on a clothes line.
- Cut your drier sheets in half or use them twice (drier sheets have FAR more stuff in them than the average load needs. Since the sheet usually ends up in the middle of the clothing, and I rarely see it until I've hauled all the clothes back upstairs, I just cut them in half.)
- Wash in warm or cold water rather than hot. (I use hot for the diapers, warm for undies/socks, and cold for everything else.)
- If you use a drier, do several loads back to back. The residual heat in the drier from one load to the next means it won't have to heat up as much for the next load, which saves electricity.
- Wash large loads rather than several smaller ones--it saves water.
- Wear clothes more than once before washing (ha, I just snuck that one in there!)(It's true though--if you wear a garment a couple of times before washing it, then not only will you spend less on washing it, but the garment will last longer because let's face it, washing machines are hard on clothes!) (Obviously if the item is visibly dirty or smells bad you should wash it, but I'm talking especially about things like jeans that can go all week!)
- Add a little plain cheap salt to your laundry--it loosens the fibers of the fabrics and makes the detergent more effective (so you can use less detergent per load)
- Use half the amount of laundry soap for average loads--you rarely need the full scoop.
- Make your own laundry detergent (recipe below).
- If you've been buying the expensive liquid detergent because it's gentler on your clothes, try this instead: get an old cup, and put the powdered detergent in the cup with some hot water. Mix until dissolved, then pour into the washer--voila, liquid detergent! (and also no more white detergent residue on dark clothes!)
- Be sure to regularly clean the lint screen on your dryer. If it's full of lint, it inhibits air circulation and slows drying time. (Also it's a fire hazard!)
please note that this recipe is NOT appropriate for cloth dipers with PUL, as the borax breaks down'll work for everything else though!
1 cup borax
1 cup baking soda (it's milder than washing soda--washing soda is actually caustic and dangerous, and with the possible exception of diapers, you just don't need it)
1 grated bar of soap (~1.5 cups) (fels naptha is usually recommended, but it is pretty hefty stuff, I have used "pure & natural" and it's worked great...I have heard that you do NOT want to use ivory since it's a soap rather than a detergent...I have no personal experience, except to say that if you want to make a mix for washing diapers, you definitely want a detergent, NOT a soap!)
Mix all ingredients together. Add 3cups salt if desired.
Use 1 Tbs per load (2Tbs for heavily soiled items, or if you used salt)
Now see, that was easy!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Holiday Traditions

I already told you about Pie Night which is a tradition we 'stole' from some neighbors and have made our own.
We try to incorporate the traditions of our ancestors into our holidays. My Germanic ancestors celebrated on Christmas Eve, so along with hanging stockings, and reading Luke 2 and other stories, we each open one gift on Christmas Eve (it's always the same thing--I sew matching flannel jammie pants for all the kids, which they then wear to bed that night).
In Norway, where it's cold and dark, Christmas celebrations are not limited to one day! They celebrate Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, then the 26th is "Second Christmas" and "Lil Juleaften" (Little Christmas Eve) on the 23rd. They mostly celebrate by having massive quantities of rich foods on all four days. We have chosen to celebrate Lil Juleaften by making a traditional Norwegian Christmas dinner on that day (centered around Pork tenderloin, boiled potatoes, and whatever other Scandinavian foods strike our fancy that year).
Each family member has one personalized tree ornament and they always get to hang their own. We also have one from our first year as a married couple--we got married just a few days before Christmas, so Christmas was more or less on our honeymoon. ☺
We are also slowly collecting one ornament from each country where our ancestors were from...I'll be sharing pictures of some of those on the Dec 11 "Tour of Homes."
I have several awesome recipes, but I'm not posting them today...I'm saving them for Dec 18 when we post recipes!!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
WFMW Have a Happy Period--no, really!

Here are a few things you can do that can make it a much happier experience for you (and all the people who live with you!)
♥ Red Raspberry Leaf (in teas, capsules, or tinctures) RRL promotes general reproductive health, and will reduce cramps,
♥ Drink your water! Being dehydrated will exacerbate anything, and most people are dehydrated most of the time. If you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated.
♥ Take calcium and magnesium (magnesium is in chocolate, which is probably why you crave it, but the sugar will increase symptoms, so don't do it!) (RRL has both calcium and magnesium, as well as iron which is important because you're losing iron with the bleeding)
♥ Avoid caffeine, sugar, grease and salt.
♥ Drink chamomile tea.
♥ Exercise! Get those endorphins flowing, and it will lift your mood. Some women also report that it helps with cramps. If you're able to get out in the sunshine that should help too.
♥ If you can't get sunshine, try Cod Liver Oil--it is like liquid sunshine for your body, providing vitamins A and D as well as essential fatty acids. It's a major mood booster. (The brand I linked is actually quite pleasant--I mix it in yogurt or orange juice and it's not fishy at all!)
♥ Vitamin E can help with cramping pain (it must be chelated and powdered, the oil will not work).
♥ Vitamin B can help with stress and mood
♥ Try some yoga--cat's pose and child's pose are both good ones for menstrual woes. Aside from the relaxation and improved circulation, yoga can also release endorphins and improve mood.
♥ Many women report that switching to cloth pads or menstrual cups shortens the duration and heaviness of their flow, as well as reducing cramping.
Works For Me Wednesday is brought to you by Rocks in my Dryer. Come share your tips, or see what works for others! Click the icon above to go to this week's entry.
You Need a Wrap Too
A few months ago I wrote a post called "A Dozen reasons to have a ring sling" so here is the sequel...a dozen ways to wear a wrap...
2--little baby upright--head tucked in (for sleeping, or for little ones before they can hold up their heads)

3--little baby upright--head out (when the little one can hold his head up himself)

5--rucksack carry with a little one
here is a slightly older child in the same carry (with legs long enough to hang out)
6--side/hip carries
7--around 1 yr old--facing in with legs tucked in for a cold day
(yes, when he wiggled his toes it did tickle my armpits ☺)
8--the next month--facing out, legs out (on a warmer day!)
9--you can even use a wrap when you're pregnant (I've done it, although with a smaller child than the one in that photo, so it wasn't quite so awkward!)
ahh, here's another one
10--Here are some photos of other ways to tie wraps--there are literally dozens of ways to tie the same wrap (and end up with more or less the same position for the child). Each person seems to find one or two that are easiest for them, but just so you know there are a lot of options out there...
loopy shoulder link
extra twisties behind baby
11--here are a few carries that are adapted (or taken directly) from indigenous cultures...honestly these ones make me a little nervous because many don't go over shoulders, but I know that if I knew how to do them correctly, they would be secure and comfortable too.
this one is nursing!
several angles of one carry
12--by the way, wraps will even work for that not-so-little one who really needs some mommy at the exact moment that mommy really needs to be cooking dinner...
(Incidentally, this is basically the same tie she used above, just wrapped around a bigger kid. And she just posted an awesome video tutorial for how to do it!)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
I could just spit
If you are as disgusted as I am, feel free to go here and give them a piece of your mind. I did. Here's a copy of the message I sent them:
I am disheartened and disgusted by your recent commercial centered around babywearing. Clearly whoever came up with the ad is woefully ignorant of the truth about babywearing.
Babywearing is NOT a fad. It may be new in the spotlight, but it is not new to the millions of women who have been doing it for centuries. There is hard science to back up the claims that it is healthier for the child.
Wearing a baby is NOT painful if it's done correctly. Many parents have never been taught how to properly use a sling or wrap, or they have an ill-fitted pouch, and so yes, they are in pain. However the solution is not to take drugs, but to learn how to wear the baby properly! There are many groups and individuals who are working hard to educate parents in safe and comfortable babywearing practices. I recommend as an excellent resource for starting out.
I wear my 30lb son daily, and have done since his birth nearly 2 years ago. Sometimes I do tire of the extra weight, but babywearing has never been painful to any degree.
Therefore, I ask you to withdraw your ad, as it is full of lies, and respectfully suggest that you apologize for airing such a rotten thing in the first place.
I have to agree with TopHat when she said "Making fun of babywearers isn't going to get you their business. You've certainly lost mine."
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The whole "Domestic Goddess" thing

But I've reached a conclusion--most people picture "the domestic goddess" as a 1950s housewife with high heels, a starched apron, and a string of pearls... I'm not that DG.
Nope, I'm an 1850's domestic goddess. Don't believe me? Consider the evidence!
- I have a long braid (or bun) with an abundance of stray hairs. I only wash it once a week, and I never put styling products in it.
- I don't wear makeup, and I shave only very very rarely.
- I'm (almost) always clean, but (almost) never pressed.
- I cook hearty meals, but rarely gourmet. I'm pretty darn good at looking at the nothing in our fridge and making a meal out of it anyway.
- I breastfeed and share a bed with my toddler. I also take that toddler everywhere with me--usually tied to my back
- I want a lot of kids--I love being a mommy, and it definitely takes precedence over having a fancy house (or even a clean one)
- I want chickens, and sheep, and bunnies, and possibly goats, and maybe an alpaca...
- I seem to spend at least half of my life either cooking, washing dishes, doing laundry, or mending something.
- I sew a lot, and I knit and spin too. I use those skills to bring in a little extra money for the family.
- I live in the middle of nowhere

I know, I have internet. I'm greateful for it too...but if I had to pick another time in which to live, well, now you know when it would be. I'm a pioneer.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
WFMW + Wear Baby = Be Happy
“Babywearing” simply means holding or carrying a baby or young child using a baby carrier. Holding babies is natural and universal; baby carriers make it easier and more comfortable, allowing parents and caregivers to hold or carry their children while attending to the daily tasks of living. Babywearing helps a new dad put a fussy newborn to sleep. It allows a new mom use both hands to make a sandwich. It lets an experienced parent or caregiver carry a baby on her back and wash the dishes, do the laundry, take a hike, weed the garden … all while keeping the baby safe and content.

First of all, let's dispel a few myths about wearing your baby!
Here is a description of the various kinds of baby carriers (with pros and cons of each), and here is a post I made this morning on my etsy blog of some awesome carriers available on etsy right now!
I've posted about babywearing several times before, with such posts as "The NINO Principle" "A Dozen Reasons to have a Ring Sling" and "Priceless." I don't know that I have a whole lot more to say for myself, but I wanted to share a short list of the benefits of wearing your baby:
Happier Babies they do cry less!
Healthier Babies they tune into the caregivers heartbeat, breathing rhythm, and body movement, all of which help the child to regulate his own. Premature babies who are worn develop faster and are healthier than those who are not worn.
Confident Babies the constant contact helps the baby feel safe and secure. They are often able to let the caregiver know what they need without resorting crying, which increases their trust in us and, in turn, our confidence in ourselves.
Happier Parents rates of postpartum depression are lower in mothers who wear their babies.
Loving Parents wearing little ones promotes bonding, and helps establish a stronger relationship between parent and child.
Confident Parents they are literally in touch with the child, and are therefore more sensitive to his needs.
Comfortable and Convenient there is no massive carseat or stroller to lug around, and I can still do almost all of my normal chores with the kiddo on me. Using a two-shoulder carrier such as a wrap or ABC spreads his weight around so that he is easier to carry than if I held him in my arms. (Most moms also find they can nurse while babywearing, making it possible to get stuff done even while nursing!)
Here is a 6-page fact-sheet about babywearing, and here is some scientific research about the benefits of babywearing.
Please be aware that just because the child is next to you doesn't mean you don't need to pay attention to them--in rare cases small babies have suffocated when they were not yet old enough to turn their heads up to breathe, and larger babies have arched out of carriers when they were not sufficiently secured. Always pay attention to your child, even when wearing them!

For more Works for me Wednesdays, go here.
As a note to my new visitors today, I wanted to let you know that on Thanksgiving Day I'll be posting 365 things I'm thankful for (one for each day of the year). It's a carnival, so I'd love for you to make a list of your own and come link with us! Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
My favorite babywearing pictures
I have three slings of my own actually, and I don't need another, but I thought it would be fun to play along (and I know of a great place where I could donate it if I win).
Without further ado, my favorite babywearing photos (clicking on the photo will take you to the post where I originally posted it)
(try to use stroller, get stuck in mud on steep, narrow trail and never make it up to beautiful Payto Lake in Banff National Park!)
(now I'm trying to think of other pouch animals for future costumes--leave me your suggestions if you've got any!)

Thanksgiving Challenge
Well, I've had another idea--on Thanksgiving I'll be posting a massive list of things I'm thankful for. Right now I have my sights set on the lofty goal of 365 things--one for each day of the year. I haven't started writing the list yet though... I may end up settling with 100 things if I get too overwhelmed....
Anyway, I wanted to issue an official challenge to all my readers to work on lists of their own, so that when I post my list we can all link them together and revel in the gratitude. ☺
BTW, I will be posting my list in sections--Family, Skills, Home, Faith, Technology, etc so that it's more reader-friendly (it's gonna be a loooong list!)...just a thought for anyone who plans to join me!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Myths About Babywearing
The baby will be delayed in walking if you never put them down or Baby's spine development will be damaged by being 'unsupported' in a soft carrier or Baby will get bowlegs from having them spread out in a back-carry
Your baby will still learn to walk just fine, no he will not be delayed in doing so (I wore Bear almost constantly, and he walked at 11months). In addition, being against the caregivers body and feeling their motions as they walk and move often seems to help little ones learn that motion for themselves.
Some firm carriers (such as snuglis) have been reported to damage spinal development because they hold the baby up and do not allow him to learn to support himself, however softer carriers do not have this problem!
The bowleggedness seen in some traditional cultures is the product of nutritional deficiencies, not of being worn. Remember that babies and small children have much softer tissues than adults do, and are much more flexible.
The baby isn't comfortable "all squished up like that" or "with his legs sticking out that way"
Soft tissues = flexible = baby is comfortable almost any way so long as they are supported! It's pretty rare to meet a baby who doesn't love being snuggled and, yes, even squished a bit. The soft nature of fabric carriers means that the baby is more likely to be comfortable this way than in a carseat, crib, playpen, or roomier firm carrier.
The baby will be spoiled /never let you put him down /never learn to go to sleep on his own
I think these myths are based in the false premise that babies are meant to be independent creatures. They are not. As I discussed here, from an evolutionary standpoint humans are born only about halfway through the average mammals gestational development. In other words, until they are around 9months old, they are not even able to do what a 9 minute old baby of other species can do. A continued 'external gestation' is entirely healthy and appropriate.
In terms of the baby developing 'bad' habits, well, obviously I feel that it's acceptable and appropriate for a baby to want to be held all the time, and to go to sleep with a caregiver rather than alone. In terms of shyness, and the baby becoming a "mama's boy," studies indicate that children who are worn may take a little longer to strike out on their own, but when they do so they are more confident than babies who were forced into independence at earlier ages.
Babywearing is dangerous
There are several versions of this this myth--the baby is unsupported and will slip out the bottom of the carrier, the baby will flip out the top of the carrier, or that the baby will suffocate being all smooshed in there. The truth is that these are valid concerns, and all of them can happen if you are not paying attention. Just because you are wearing your baby doesn't mean you can ignore them--you do need to still pay attention, make sure baby's face is clear so they can breathe, and be sure you wear the carrier properly so that the child is secure. Here is a site full of help for how to properly and safely wear your child.
You can only wear them when they are little/lightweight or You can't wear a baby if you have a bad back
There are a few people in the world who have exceptionally bad backs, and yes, it's true that they cannot wear a baby, or at least not a older toddler. However, with the variety of carriers and carrying methods, most people (even those with somewhat-bad backs) are able to wear both babies and toddlers in comfort.
Back carries with wraps, structured-carriers, or ABCs (such as Mei Teis) are usually preferable for larger children or weak-backed parents because they offer more support and spread the weight around better.
You can't babywear if you're short/disabled/plus-sized/pregnant
Nonsense! Some carriers and carrying positions may work better for you than others, but you can certainly still wear your baby! Check out these two articles on plus-sized babywearing, this one on pregnant babywearing, and this one on babywearing for those with disabilities.
Babywearing is new or a fad
Babywearing has been around for about as long as babies have been around...indigenous peoples around the world have been wearing their babies for centuries, and using a variety of carriers and carrying positions to do so. The 'modern world' is the culture that is behind the times!
Babywearing is expensive
$140 for a wrap?! Yes, it can be expensive if you buy the name brand carriers, or have a dozen different ones (and yes, a lot of us do have several carriers of different types)...but it doesn't have to be. I got a good quality wrap for only $35, and many people find that they can make their own carriers for $5-20 (depending on the style and what fabric they choose). Here is a site with a list of different types of carriers, the pros/cons of each, and where to find them.
Babywearing is complicated
It is true that some styles of carriers (most notably wraps) look difficult to tie on. However there are a lot of great online demos (both pictures and videos) that can help you learn to do it correctly and safely.
If you are considering babywearing, or want to do it but don't know where to go next, I recommend looking for a local babywearing group such as NINO. (If you can't find one, look for a local chapter of LaLecheLeague, as a lot of breastfeeding moms also wear their babies, and you can probably find support or advice for babywearing there too!)
You can't wear twins
Wanna bet? Look here! And here!
For additional resources, I highly recommend visiting The Baby Wearer. It's a massive archive of helpful articles and tutorials on topics from choosing a carrier and reviews of specific brands, to how to correctly (safely) wear your baby in the various carriers, or how to make your own. They also have forums where you can chat with other babywearers and get encouragement and help.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
some thoughts after the fact
The night before election day I was talking with my dad about the candidates and issues, and suffice it to say that my priorities are not the same as his. He commented that when he was my age he was more liberal than he is now, but that with age he has become "more jaded and cynical" (his words, not mine). Then he said "you know, I would expect a young person to be idealistic and hopeful--if they weren't then I'd be worried."
I thought that was a very interesting commentary on politics.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Pie Night!
When we were engaged, Hubby and I were invited to his neighbor's home for pie night. We know a good idea when we see one, so we latched on to the idea and have held annual pie nights of our own ever since. The 5th Annual Brighton Family Pie Night was last night.
and yup, I've posted both of the recipes for you on the recipe blog...
I'm going to be posting pies there all month, so check back in!!
So, what is Pie Night you may ask? Good question! Go ahead and take notes now, because as soon as you finish reading this you're probably going to run off and start a pie night tradition of your own.
1--everybody brings a pie (and server). (As hosts, we provide plates, forks, and whipped cream along with a pie or two.)
2--there are many many kinds of pie
3--everybody pigs out on lots and lots and lots of pie!
The first year we did it it was a small affair, with only 5 pies (two made by me). The next year it grew, and our third year had 36 people crammed in our little house. Then we moved to Pelican, and had to start over...however this is a friendly little town, and we had over a dozen attendees last that the locals have had enough time to get to know us, this year was a little bigger. Last night we had 22 people and 17 pies! (It was the year of pumpkin pie--there were 6 pumpkin pies!) I think this years winner as fanciest pie was DS's Pear-Almond Creme Tart with Cranberry Flakes... although I personally also really love the Upside-down Pumpkin Pie that CS makes (she said she hates making crust, so she makes the pumpkin pie filling, then puts it in a casserole dish and does a nut-crumb topping on it!)
A couple of little notes if you want to host a Pie Night of your own:
- Put out a couple of pitchers of ice water! With all the rich pie, people tend to need a drink!
- Be sure to remind people to bring a server with their pie, otherwise you might have 8 pies and 1 server...that's awkward!
- Use index cards or something to put labels in front of each pie, so that people can tell what each one is when they go to choose their slices...for example, last night we had a plain chocolate and a chocolate-mocha which looked almost identical, but some people like mocha and some don't, so it's good to have labels!
Friday, November 7, 2008
SBE when Lactating
For what it's worth, men can get breast cancer too, so hey, go for it guys, poke around a bit, ok?
OK, so like I mentioned before, with each months reminder I'm trying to add some additional health info. This month (at the request of a commenter) I'm taking on doing SBEs when lactating. Obviously lactation (while reducing the likelihood of future breast cancer) leaves the breasts full of milk, which makes it harder to feel lumps.
The short and simple answer can be found at Breastfeeding123, which recommends doing the self-exams immediately after nursing, so that the breast will be as un-full as possible.
MamaKnowsBreast (Oct 4 entry) agrees that it's good to continue to do self exams when breastfeeding, although there is a good chance that you'll notice tissue changes which are not cancerous. Everyday Health comments that if you have not previously been doing SBEs, then pregnancy or lactating may not be great times to start because your breasts are going through so many changes. On the other hand, if you already have the habit, then it's a good thing to continue.
My own thought is that SBEs could be helpful with those non-cancerous changes too though--for example if you are familiar with the 'normal' feel of your breasts, then if you get a plugged duct you'll be able to quickly recognize the abnormality and address the issue... For the same reason, I think it makes sense for lactating women to do at least 'quick once-over' type exams in the shower on a more frequent basis.
This article is packed with information about breast health during pregnancy and lactation. (Incidentally, you should never have a mammogram while lactating.)
Here are directions for doing a SBE when you are lactating.