Hi! Welcome to my blog! I love visitors, and I love comments. If you comment a couple of times, I'll almost certainly come visit your blog too. ☺
I'm Jenni, and I've been challenging the status quo since, well, about as long as I can remember. I sew, knit, cook, and sell stuff on etsy. I'm a tree-hugger, breastfeeder, and natural-birther. I am German/Scandinavian, I have blue eyes, long hair and an attitude the size of Alaska. You can see me on ravelry and facebook if you do that stuff. ☺ You can learn more about me from my '30 days of pictures' series.
A lot of people have asked about all our holidays, so now you can see a calendar of them here at Our Celebrations.
I can respect an educated choice, even if I disagree with it. I cannot respect an uneducated choice, nor the choice-maker!

I'm married to my Hubby, Dave. We have a great story of how we met. He's a school teacher which means he gets to be home with us in the evenings and we take some fantastically long summer trips. On the other hand, it also means I blog a lot about frugal living.
On the mommy front, I have four angel babies, as well as three sons here on Earth. I stay home with my kiddos--here on the blog we call them Wolf, Bear, and Eagle. They're a lot of fun and do some pretty wild stuff.

We also have a doggie daughter, so I figured I shouldn't leave her out!

We live in The Last Frontier (Alaska) but I don't get too specific about which city because I like to maintain a little privacy for the sake of my kids. It's an area with halibut fishing and moose hunting; numerous wildflowers, wild rivers and stunning mountains; and a lot of very independent people who walk to their own beat--we fit right in. We recently moved here from extremely rural Pelican Alaska, where the grizzly bears outnumber the people, and it rains all the time, except for when it snows.
So cool! Another Alaska blogger!
I live in Anc, and am a Breastfeeding, natural-birthing mommy too! Though, my hubby does make better bread than I do. :/
Glad to meet another Alaska mommy!
I just posted a comment a minute ago but I don't know if it actually posted or not. I found this morning looking up info on Imbolc. I love your blog !! I am also from Alaska(Skagway). You are welcome to check me out and friend me if you want on FB , I am "Rebekah Hana Maeven Lohnes"
Happy Imbolc :-)
Hi there ~ checking in from Anchorage. Your blog and its joyful detail are a fun discovery. Thank you for keeping such a fun 'journal' online. I found you while Googling about the drive between Anchorage and Haines. Happy Summer!
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