A pair of fleece hats (given to a pair of little brothers via Holiday Helpers) Wolf assures me that both are 'very cool' designs.
Some knitted hats (for the daddy and baby sister of the aforementioned brothers)
Felted hat...it, um, came out kinda wide. I don't know where I went wrong in my figuring, but obviously I went very wrong... so I sliced the thing in half and made two hats with it (each just has a seam up the back). ☺

Hubby's bamboo velour pillowcase which I made for him for Christmas (seriously, you cannot fathom just how soft this stuff is unless you've felt it)
A couple of sweet new things for my etsy shop (guess who got a snap press for Christmas?!) ☺
And the item I'm most proud of: a sweater for the little Bear! (I'm already swatching for Wolf's sweater...)

Can you tell that he loves it! (He really loves the pocket!)
Oh my gosh you are SO talented!!! How do you do this? Do you know how to make those cute headbands for girls? I love your blog and will visit for tips often! Thanks for all of the comments on my blog! You're a professional!! ;0)
Way to go! You have been very productive. Those diapers are so cute. I might have to save whatever $ I get for baby and get me some. :)
Wowza! What great stuff you've been working on! (Side note: I always thought FO meant "For Offer" or "For Ogling", like just something that someone is showing off, for offering a look at something completed, or for ogling at a job well done. LOL.)
Honestly, love the felted hat, the before for the giggles, the after for the cuteness. Love the bamboo velour pillowcase (man, now I really want one, too - brilliant thinking on your part!!!), and I feel that I simply MUST have one of those adorable little sweaters in my own house! I just don't know if I could pick which child to give it to....
Your little bear ain't so little anymore! I can't believe it! And he looks sooo much like D in that picture.
Your felted hat snafu was hilarious. The cross-stitch project I most recently finished took me longer than expected because I started it with the fabric long horizontally and not vertically. Got half way done and thought, Shoot! So I started over. And it's finally done. But your fix turned out very nice!
And your pillow case looks very sumptious, not just in the softness department but the design and colors.
The before of your felted hat just made my day! Thanks!
You have been busy. I love the knitted hats.
Way to go Jenni! That sweater is perfect and Bear looks so cute and happy in it. Nicely done!
I love homemade cloth diapers... I had some for my B when she was little....love the designs on yours.... I bet your having fun with your new toy!! =)
Im working on getting good enough to try a sweater... hopeing it will be soon.., lol..
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