Monday, September 22, 2008


People often ask me what is my favorite season, and I usually say 'summer' because I have a summer birthday and I really do prefer the non-rainy season (yes I live in a rainforest and yes we're planning to stay, shutup!) On the other hand, I'd rather be cold than hot, which would point toward my being a wintery woman...
My mother always said "a change is as good as a rest" and I have repeatedly found that to be true. So I love the changing of seasons more than any particular season itself. In spite of the fact that many of us fear change, the truth is that change is one of the few constants in life. I think my mother was right, a change IS as good as a rest, because I always find rejuvination in the newness of each season. I have always wanted to celebrate the equinoxes and solstices, but I am at a loss for ideas of just how to do that. Do you celebrate them? What do you do?Just as the Earth goes through seasons, so do we. Just as people fixate on this season or that as their 'favorite,' I think we often fixate on this or that season of life is being the best or the most fun, and we forget to just enjoy where we are--no matter where that is. I remember when I was in college my mother (brilliant woman that she is) told me that I was in the season for me: the time to do what I wanted to do, to learn and experience and grow and fill my own cup...because the next season (motherhood) was going to be one of giving. I think I did a pretty good job of taking care of me for those 5 years, and it has left me able to now focus on this new season with joy and without regret.
I think it's important to recognize and celebrate the changes and seasons of life as well as the changes and seasons of the year. Some life changes are well-recognized, such as birthdays, weddings and graduations, but others are fairly overlooked... Baptisms, priesthood ordinations, menarche, pregnancy, menopause...all these things are worth celebrating. I am glad I was able to have a blessingway prior to Bear's birth: a celebration to 'bless the way' through the change into a new phase of motherhood. This last summer we celebrated Wolf's baptism as he left the season of innocent childhood and entered the season of accountability.

What do you do to celebrate the seasons of the year? of life?


Brasileira said...

She is a brilliant woman, isn't she? That mother of ours is really the best. I don't remember her ever telling me that thing about seasons for me in college, etc, but I hope I did it well enough to last me for the next two decades, because mothering can get a little lonely and tiring and overwhelming. Of course, it gets more and more fun as he gets older.

mr.brighton said...

Here's an idea baby! Because the Equinox's represent a season of change we could do some big changes. Like find a way to rearrange things in the house in Autumn (in preparation for Winter). Then in the Spring (or late march anyeay) we could do the traditional cleaning, or prep the garden, or buy a bunnies and chickens and lambs that we can raise through the summer to kill on the next Equinox and eat!! Or we could stick with the cleaning...

nicole said...

I love your mom's advice. That's such a great way to think about it. Although I enjoyed my season of youth, I wish I hadn't been so serious and so worried about moving on to the next season of life. I have since learned to enjoy the season I'm in because soon these little ones will be grown. This is a good reminder to slow down, and simply ENJOY. :) I need to remember that advice for my own kids. I'm so glad I found your blog!!

sara said...

I have a soup party the weekend of the equinox. This year was our third year. It is so fun. ALL THE FOOD - a celebration of blessings and bounty. It's also starting to get cold (we were supposed to be on our porch with the fireplace but it RAINED!) so it's kind of a nice thing to get together with friends and have a warm happy night - a wistful kind of thing - to try to keep those feelings with us as the year gets colder.

Carrie said...

I loved your mom's advice on change; she is a wise woman. I also love the idea of embracing/celebrating change rather than avoiding/hating it. Thanks for being so supportive of me during my many changes lately!

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