Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Perfect Mother

"There is no one perfect way to be a good mother.
Each situation is unique.
Each mother has different challenges,
different skills and abilities,
and certainly different children.
The choice is different and unique for each mother and each family...
What matters is that a mother loves her children deeply
and, in keeping with the devotion she has for God and her husband,
prioritizes them above all else."

~M. Russell Ballard (LDS Apostle)


Becky N. said...

What a perfect quote, thank you!!
(what's the reference, if you have it??)

Jenni said...

I got it from a signature line at nLDS actually...I don't know more than that (go ask monkeyscience!)

Brasileira said...,5232,23-1-851-37,00.html

It's a talk from General conference one year ago, April 2008, called "Daughters of God" in the Sunday afternoon session.

Cynthia said...

I love that quote! So often women feel left out if they don't fit into the 'mold' that is the cultural expectation of the Church. I'm so glad to see the efforts that are being made to help all women feel included and embraced even if they don't have the 'typical' family situation or need/want to work.

nicole said...

I LOVE THIS! Thank you for posting it. What a great reminder that we're all given different life circumstances, so we are to just love and embrace instead of compare and criticize one another.

Unknown said...

LOL... I was Googling my username and nLDS just to see what came up, and this is what I found. :D

I really do love that quote. And yes, the source given by Brasileira is correct. :)

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